We found out today our puppy Marley has parvo. The vet said 70% to 80% don't make it. He said if we were super diligent she had about a 50% chance. I am going to trust God we are in the right 50%. We have to get up every hour all night and try to get her to drink Pedialyte and eat some special food. We will take her back in the morning for another IV. He said she is going to throw up and poo all over our house, but any she keeps down will help. She has kept the 1st dose down and it is now time to give the 2nd round, please pray it goes as smoothly. If she is still here in 3-5 days she should be ok. Please pray for Marley, our sanity, and our kids' hearts.
Sadly, even getting up every hour with her last night she was just too little and we lost her at 7 am in my arms on the way to the vet. She did wonderfully through 4 am even getting up to drink on her own accord. However, at 5 she was really struggling and I called the vet at 6:30 to meet me up there before they open. She was just too sick. This is very hard.
March for Women?
8 years ago