We are in the middle of baseball season, and with 3 kids playing that usually means we are at the ballpark 4 nights a week. Our one and only night off is Wednesday, so what did we do this Wednesday evening? Why we took advantage of Dustin having a key to the sheds and had our own impromptu batting practice.

Brennan ready to go in

Bryson is in tee ball, but has been dying to practice hitting off the pitching machine. So Dustin went ahead and let him hit and his 1st time up he fouled it twice and got a nice solid hit to the outfield. His next time up he hit 6 of the 8 balls, with 4 going to the outfield...not too shabby for a 5 year old (you have to be 7 to play junior minor where they use the pitching machine).

Love Brayden's expression! He wouldn't smile no matter what I did, not even silly faces worked. lol

Not to be outdone by his little brother Brandt hit almost every ball thrown at him his next time up. Gotta love some friendly competition. :)

As much as Brennan wanted to bat, his job tonight was shagging balls. I was impressed he figured out such a clever way to carry the balls back to the pitcher.
1 comment:
brings back fond memories of my own brothers playing.
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