Mike leaves early next week for his last step of training before he deploys as an officer in the USMC. We wanted to see him one more time before he left, so Thursday we drove to Houston and went to the zoo. My sister Kathryn, her 2 daughters, my grandmother, and 2 nephews all met us there. Then my sister Kim, and soon to be sister-in-law Megan met us when they got off of work, and my brother met us as we were leaving and we all went to dinner. We had a great time, and will miss Mike while he is gone.

My boys waiting on everyone to arrive

enjoying a snack

Brayden, Mike, and Brandt checking out the sea lions

Mike and the boys checking out an exhibit in the reptile house

Brennan...the crocodile opened his mouth when Brennan put his hand up

Brayden and Mike

Brandt soaked himself with the mister fan

Mike and Bryson

Brennan and Brandt


Bryson learned to blow a bubble this week

Brandt in the prairie dog exhibit

Brennan and Bryson

Bryson and a llama





My sister, Kim and Mike
1 comment:
sweet pictures :) so glad y'all could see each other before he left.
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