Monday, May 3, 2010

Another eventful day

Yesterday was certainly a doozey of a day, but I wasn't going to let that slow us down. We had another extremely eventful day today, but this time a good eventful. This morning when I took a dirty diaper outside (ah the joys of being a mother to young children) I noticed it was pretty cool out. When Brandt woke up he was feeling great, and acting like his normal self. He wasn't feeling bad and hadn't run a fever since yesterday evening. We decided to make the most of my unexpected day off and the nice weather since it was suppose to be 90 by the afternoon.

I loaded up the boys' scooters and went up the road to where there is a nice sidewalk.
Brennan quickly decided he was too big for his sit and push scooter and decided to carry it instead
We got out Brayden's old scooter and with Brandt's help it worked well

Brayden sharing his knee and elbow pads he just got for his birthday
Brayden was a scooter pro: He would push off at the top of the hill, and ride it all the way down
After riding scooters I took the boys out to eat lunch. On the way home we stopped by Redbox and rented the boys a movie. When we got home the baby took a nap and the big boys got to watch a movie and rest for a little while.
Once everyone woke up we headed over to a local splashpad.
The boys love the bucket of water dumping on their heads
Bryson and Brandt



After the splashpad we went home and got ready for baseball. All 3 boys had a game tonight at 6 and at 2 different fields almost 10 minutes apart. My dad came into town and took Brandt to his game, and I took the middle 2 to their game. After their games he treated them to a kid's meal from Sonic for dinner. When we got home I realized I had forgotten Brayden's homework, so we quickly finished that. At that point I am not sure who was more tired me or kids. Whew, what a day! We sure had a lot of fun though.

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