Monday, May 17, 2010

"Not Me!" Monday

The boys stayed with my parents Saturday night so we could get some work done on the house. It did not take me all day long just to clean my bedroom. I never use my room as the catch-all-room to throw things in when company comes and I don't have time to put things away. Even if I did I would immediately put it away after the company left. Plus, wouldn't it be hypocritical of me to expect the boys to keep their room clean, but not keep mine clean? So since I would never do that, it wasn't me that had this conversation with Bryson this morning:

Bry: "Wow, your room is clean. Who is coming over?"

Me: "No one, we just decided to clean it".

Bryson: "Well that was a VERY good decision".

My children never teach the baby bad things (by the way how long until he tells me I can't call him the baby anymore? I mean he is 2 now). So it wasn't Brennan who walked into the living room this morning shaking him bottom and whacking it. He now makes monkey faces, silly faces, and can shake his booty all compliments of his brothers.

Our family has decided that we are going to homeschool the boys next year. I will no longer be the computer teacher and they will no longer be enrolled in school. I am not at all anxious or completely excited by this huge step. Nor am I counting down the days until the huge homeschooling conference this summer when we get to actually touch and feel all the different curriculum. I mean summer isn't even here yet, I should totally not be looking forward to the next school year already.

Would you like to share what you have not been up to lately? If so, join the Not Me! Monday fun! Simply write your own post on your blog, link back within your post to MckMama's blog, and sign up with MckLinky.

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